Research Publications

In refereed journals

J18 S. Al-Obaidi, H. Al-Khafaji and C. Abhayaratne, “Modeling temporal visual salience for human action recognition enabled visual anonymity preservation”, IEEE Access, 8. pp. 213806-213824, 2020. DOI Download
J17 B. Alwaely and C. Abhayaratne, “AGSF: Adaptive graph formulation and hand-crafted graph spectral features for shape representation”, IEEE Access, 8. pp. 182260-182272, 2020. DOI Download
J16 D. Bhowmik and C. Abhayaratne, “Embedding distortion analysis in wavelet-domain watermarking”, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, Vol.15, No. 4, 108, Dec. 2019 . DOI Download
J15 B. Alwaely and C. Abhayaratne, “Graph spectral domain feature learning with application to in-air hand-drawn number and shape recognition”, IEEE Access, 7. pp. 159661-159673, 2019. DOI Download
J14 W. Hotrakool and C. Abhayaratne, “Referenced compressed sensing for accurate and fast spatio-temporal signal reconstruction”, Journal of Electronic Imaging, vol. 28, No. 4, 043010, July 2019. DOI Download
J13 D. Bhowmik and C. Abhayaratne, “Quality scalability aware watermarking for visual content”, IEEE Transactions in Image Processing, vol. 25, no. 11, Nov. 2016. DOI Download
J12 D. Bhowmik, M.Oakes, and C. Abhayaratne, “Visual Attention-based Image Watermarking”, IEEE Access Journal, 4, 8002-8018, 2016. DOI Download
J11 M. Oakes, D. Bhowmik, and C. Abhayaratne, “Global motion compensated visual attention-based video watermarking”, Journal of Electronic Imaging 25 (6), 061624-061624, Dec. 2016. DOI Download
J10 V. Angadi, C. Abhayaratne and T. Walthers, “Automated background subtraction for electron energy-loss spectroscopy and application to spectral imaging of semiconductor layers”, of Microscopy, Vol. 262, No.2 pp. 157-166, May 2016. DOI Download
J9 D. Bhowmik and C. Abhayaratne, “On robustness against JPEG2000: a performance evaluation of wavelet-based watermarking techniques”, Multimedia Systems 1-14, 2014. DOI PP
J8 C. Abhayaratne and D. Bhowmik, “Scalable watermark extraction for real-time authentication of JPEG 2000 images”, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 8(3):307-325 Sep 2013. DOI PP
J7 D. Bhowmik and C. Abhayaratne, “2D+t wavelet domain video watermarking”, Advances in Multimedia, Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 973418, 19 pages. DOI PP
J6 M. Majid and C. Abhayaratne, “Redundancy controllable scalable unbalanced multiple description bitstream generation for peer-to-peer video streaming”, Signal Processing: Image Communication, 27(5):496-512 May 2012. DOI PP
J5 C. Abhayaratne, “Reversible wavelet filter banks with side informationless spatially adaptive low-pass filters”, J. Electron. Imaging 20, 033012 (2011). DOI PP
J4 F. Cardinaux, D. Bhowmik, C. Abhayaratne and M. Hawley, “Video based technology for ambient assisted living: A review of the literature”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Vol. 3, No. 3, Aug. 2011, pp. 253-269. DOI PP
J3 C. Abhayaratne, E. Izquierdo, M. Mrak and S. Tubaro, “Editorial: Special issue on scalable coded media beyond compression”, Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 24, No. 6, July 2009, pp. 415-416. DOI PP
J2 G.C.K. Abhayaratne, “Reversible integer-to-integer mapping of N-point orthonormal block transforms”, Signal Processing, vol. 87, No. 5, pp. 950-969, 2007. DOI PP
J1 G.C.K. Abhayaratne, “Scalable Near-lossless Image Coding”, SPIE/IS&T Journal of Electronic Imaging, vol. 15, No. 4, art. no. 043008, Oct-Dec 2006. DOI PP

Books and Book Chapters

B5 D. Bhowmik, C. Abhayaratne and S. Green, “Video Watermarking for Persistent and Robust Tracking of Entertainment Content (PARTEC)”, In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 185-198. Springer Singapore, 2021. DOI Download
B4 Y. Wang, C. Abhayaratne and M. Mrak, “High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) for next generation video applications”, in Academic Press Library in Signal Processing, Image and Video Compression and Multimedia, Academic Press, pp. 93, 2014. DOI
B3 M. Oakes and C. Abhayaratne, “A New Saliency Model using Intra Coded High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Frames”, in Multimedia Modeling, Lecture notes in Computer Science, vol.8325, pp580-592, Jan. 2014. DOI
B2 C. Abhayaratne and F. Muzammil, “Robust Visual Content Representation Using Compression Modes Driven Low-level Visual Descriptor”, In Advances in Multimedia Modeling, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, LNCS Vol. 5371, Jan. 2009. pp 322 - 332. DOI
B1 D. Bhowmik and C. Abhayaratne, “Embedding distortion modelling for wavelet based watermarking schemes”, In Digital Watermarking, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, LNCS vol. 5450, Nov.2008, pp 363-378. DOI

In refereed conference proceedings

C64 B. Alwaely and C. Abhayaratne, “Graph spectral domain features for static hand gesture recognition”, in Proc. 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2019. DOI Download
C63 S. Al-Obaidi and C. Abhayaratne, “Temporal salience based human action recognition”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2019. DOI Download
C62 H. Al-Khafaji and C. Abhayaratne, “Graph spectral domain blind watermarking”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2019. DOI Download
C61 B. Alwaely and C. Abhayaratne, “Adaptive graph formulation for 3D shape representation”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2019. DOI Download
C60 S. Al-Obaidi and C. Abhayaratne, “Privacy protected recognition of activities of daily living in video”, in Proc. 3rd IET International Conference on Technologies for Active and Assisted Living (TechAAL 2019). DOI Download
C59 B. Alwaely and C. Abhayaratne, “Graph spectral domain shape representation”, in Proc. 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO). 2018. DOI Download
C58 T. Feng and C. Abhayaratne, “Visual saliency guided high dynamic range image compression”, in Proc. 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO). 2018. DOI Download
C57 D. Bhowmik, A. Natu, T. Ishikawa, T. Feng and C. Abhayaratne, “The JPEG-blockchain framework for GLAM services”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW), 2018. DOI Download
C56 H. Al-Khafaji and C. Abhayaratne, “Graph Spectral Domain Watermarking for Unstructured Data from Sensor Networks”, in Proc. 22nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 2017. DOI Download
C55 W. Hotrakool and C. Abhayaratne, “Towards Baseline-Independent Analysis of Compressive Sensed Functional Magnetic Resonance Image Data”, in Proc. 22nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 2017. DOI Download
C54 B. Alwaely and C. Abhayaratne, “ Graph spectral domain feature representation for in-air drawn number recognition”, in Proc. 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2017. DOI Download
C53 S. Pal and C. Abhayaratne, “Phase feature-based activity level estimation for assisted living”, ",IET International Conference on Technologies for Active and Assisted Living (TechAAL 2016). DOI
C52 W. Hotrakool and C. Abhayaratne, “An optimal learning parameter for running gaussian-based referenced compressive sensing”, in Proc. IET Intelligent Signal Processing (ISP 2015). DOI
C51 T. Feng, S. Pal and C. Abhayaratne, “Mapping-Free High Dynamic Range Image Compression”, ", in Proc IEEE International Conf. on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2015). DOI
C50 S. Pal, T. Feng and C. Abhayaratne, “Real-time Recognition of Activity Levels for Ambient Assisted Living”, ", in Proc IEEE International Conf. on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2015). DOI
C49 S. Pal and C. Abhayaratne, “Video-based Activity Level Recognition for Assisted Living using Motion Features”, ", in Proc IEEE/ACM International Conf. on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC 2015). DOI
C48 V.Angadi, T. Walther and C. Abhayaratne, “Automated background subtraction for electron energy-loss spectroscopy and application to spectral imaging of semiconductor layers”, ", in Proc. Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials (MSM 2015). DOI PP P
C47 Y. Wang, C. Abhayaratne, R. Weerakkody and M. Mrak, “Multi-scale dithering for contouring artefacts removal in compressed UHD sequences”, ", in Proc. IEEE Global Signal Processing (GlobalSIP 2014). DOI PP P
C46 W. Hotrakool and C. Abhayaratne, “Running Gaussian Reference-based Reconstruction for Video Compressed Sensing”, in Proc. IEEE International Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2014). DOI PP P
C45 Y. Wang, C. Abhayaratne, R. Weerakkody and M. Mrak, “Colour space transforms for improved video compression”, in Proc. International conf. on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP 2014). DOI PP P
C44 A. Alharbiy and C. Abhayaratne, “Classification of remotely compressively sensed data”, in Proc. IET Intelligent Signal Processing (ISP 2013), 2013. DOI PP P
C43 W. Hotrakool and C. Abhayaratne, “Fast compressed sensing reconstruction using least square and signal correlation”, in Proc. IET Intelligent Signal Processing (ISP 2013), 2013. DOI PP P
C42 M. Asad and C. Abhayaratne, “Depth pre-processing for depth-based Kinect Hand gesture recogintion”, in Proc. IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP2013), 2013. DOI PP P
C41 M. Majid and C. Abhayaratne, “Inter-description motion vector redundancy control for scalable multiple description video coding”, in Proc. IET Conf. on Image Processing (IPR2012), (2012):142, 2012. DOI PP P
C40 D. Bhowmik and C. Abhayaratne, “Distortion constrained robustness scalable watermarking”, in Proc. IET Conf. on Image Processing (IPR2012), (2012):221, 2012. DOI PP P
C39 D. Bhowmik and C. Abhayaratne, “Robust watermarking for scalable image coding-based content adaptation”, in Proc. IET Conf. on Image Processing (IPR2012), (2012):223, 2012. DOI PP P
C38 M. Oakes and C. Abhayaratne, “Visual saliency estimation for video”, in Proc. International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS), 2012. DOI PP P
C37 M. Oakes, D. Bhowmik and C. Abhayaratne, “Visaul attention-based image watermarking”, in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2011), May 2011. DOI PP P
C36 M. Majid and C. Abhayaratne, “Scalable multiple description video coding using successive refinement of side quantizers”, in Proc. Picture Coding Symposium (PCS 2010), Dec. 2010. DOI PP P
C35 M. Majid and C. Abhayaratne, “Successive refinment of overlapped cell side quantizers for scalable multiple description coding”, in Proc. Picture Coding Symposium (PCS 2010), Dec. 2010. DOI PP P
C34 D. Bhowmik and C. Abhayaratne, “Video watermarking using motion compensated t+2D+t filtering”, in Proc. ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security (MMSec 2010), Sept. 2010. DOI PP P
C33 D. Bhowmik, C. Abhayaratne and M. Oakes, “Robustness analysis of blind watermarking for quality scalable image compression”, in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2010), Aug. 2010. DOI PP P
C32 M. Majid and C. Abhayaratne, “Fully scalable multiple description image coding”, in Proc. IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing Workshop (MMSP 2009), Oct. 2009. DOI PP P
C31 M. Majid and C. Abhayaratne, “Distributed multiple description image coding”, in Proc. IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing Workshop (MMSP 2009), Oct. 2009. DOI PP P
C30 M. Majid and C. Abhayaratne, “Multiple description scalar quantization with successive refinement”, in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2009), Aug. 2009. DOI PP P
C29 S. Huang, Y. Zhan and C. Abhayaratne, “Hybrid decoding schemes for Turbo-codes”, in Proc. China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (CIICT 2009), Aug. 2009. DOI PP P
C28 D. Bhowmik and C. Abhayaratne, “The Effect of Quality Scalable Image Compression on Robust Watermarking”, in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2009), July 2009. DOI PP P
C27 D. Bhowmik and C. Abhayaratne, “Embedding distortion modelling for non-orthonormal wavelet based watermarking schemes”, in Proc. SPIE (7248) Wavelet Applications in Industrial Processing VI, Jan. 2009. DOI PP P
C26 D. Bhowmik and C. Abhayaratne, “A framework for evaluating wavelet based watermarking for scalable coded digital item adaptation attacks”, in Proc. SPIE (7248) Wavelet Applications in Industrial Processing VI, Jan. 2009. DOI PP P
C25 M. Majid and C. Abhayaratne, “Multiple description image coding using several multiple description scalar quantizers”, in Proc. SPIE (7257) Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), Jan. 2009. DOI PP P
C24 D. Bhowmik and C. Abhayaratne, “Evaluation of Watermark robustness to JPEG2000 based content adaptation attacks”, in Proc. IET/IEEE Visual Information Engineering (VIE). Aug. 2008. DOI PP P
C23 C. Abhayaratne, “Content-adaptation resilient low level visual features for content based image retrieval”, in Proc. IET/IEEE Visual Information Engineering (VIE). Aug. 2008. DOI PP P
C22 F. Muzammil and C. Abhayaratne, “Scalable domain visual feature extraction”, in Proc. 4th International Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP), Nov. 2007. DOI PP P
C21 D. Bhowmik and C. Abhayaratne, “A watermark evaluation bench for content adaptation modes”, in Proc. 4th International Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP), Nov. 2007. DOI PP P
C20 D. Bhowmik and C. Abhayaratne, “Morphological wavelet domain image watermarking”, in Proc. 15th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Sept. 2007. DOI PP P
C19 G. C. K. Abhayaratne, “Reducing aliasing in wavelet-based down sampling for improved resolution scalability”, in Proc. IEEE International conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Sept. 2005. DOI PP P
C18 G. C. K. Abhayaratne, I. Jermyn and J. Zerubia, “Texture adaptive mother wavelet selection for texture analysis”, in Proc. IEEE International conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Sept. 2005. DOI PP P
C17 N. Sprljan, M. Mrak, G. C. K. Abhayaratne and E. Izquierdo, “A scalable coding framework for efficient video adaptation”, in Proc. International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services. (WIAMIS), April. 2005. DOI PP P
C16 M. Mrak, N. Sprljan, G. C. K. Abhayaratne and E. Izquierdo, “Scalable generation and coding of motion vectors for highly scalable video coding”, in Proc. Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), Dec. 2004. DOI PP P
C15 G. C. K. Abhayaratne, “Wavelet filter banks with a 2D spatially adaptive low pass filter for scalable image coding”, in Proc. Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), Dec. 2004. DOI PP P
C14 G. C. K. Abhayaratne, I. Jermyn and J. Zerubia, “Texture analysis using adaptive biorthogonal wavelet packets”, in Proc. IEEE International conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Oct. 2004. DOI PP P
C13 M. Mrak, G. C. K. Abhayaratne and E. Izquierdo, “On the influence of motion vector precision limiting in scalable video coding”, in Proc. International Conference on Signal Processing, Aug. 2004. . DOI PP P
C12 G. C. K. Abhayaratne, “2D wavelet transforms with a spatially adaptive 2D low pass filter”, in Proc. IEEE Nordic Signal Processing (NORSIG), June 2004. DOI PP P
C11 G. C. K. Abhayaratne and H. J. A. M. Heijmans, “A novel morphological subband decomposition scheme for t+2D wavelet video coding”, in Proc. International Symposium on Image and Signal Proc. and Analysis (ISPA), Sep. 2003. DOI PP P
C10 B. Pesquet-Popescu, H. J. A. M. Heijmans, G. C. K. Abhayaratne and G. Piella, “Quantization of 2D adaptive wavelet decompositions”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Sep. 2003. DOI PP P
C9 G. C. K. Abhayaratne, “Spatially adaptive wavelet transforms: An optimal interpolation approach”, in Proc. International Workshop on Spectral Methods and Multirate Signal Processing (SMMSP), Sep. 2003. DOI PP P
C8 G. C. K. Abhayaratne, G. Piella, B. Pesquet-Popescu, and H. J. A. M. Heijmans, “Adaptive integer to integer wavelet transforms using update lifting”, in Proc. SPIE (5206) Wavelets X, Aug. 2003. DOI PP P
C7 G. C. K. Abhayaratne, “Modifying integer wavelet transforms for scalable near-lossless image coding”, in Proc. SPIE (5150) Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), July 2003. DOI PP P
C6 G. C. K. Abhayaratne, “Orthonormal integer block transforms for lossless coding: design and performance analysis”, in Proc. SPIE (5150) Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), July 2003. DOI PP P
C5 G. C. K. Abhayaratne, “Discrete wavelet transforms that have an adaptive low pass filter”, in Proc. International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications (ISSPA), July 2003. DOI PP P
C4 G. C. K. Abhayaratne, “Spatially adaptive integer lifting with no side information for lossless video coding”, in Proc. Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), April 2003. DOI PP P
C3 G. C. K. Abhayaratne, “N-point discrete cosine transforms that map integers to integers for lossless image/video coding”, in Proc. Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), April 2003. DOI PP P
C2 G. C. K. Abhayaratne and D. M. Monro, “Embedded to lossless coding of motion compensated prediction residuals in lossless video coding”, in Proc. SPIE (4310) Visual Commumications and Image Processing (VCIP), Jan. 2001. DOI PP P
C1 G. C. K. Abhayaratne and D. M. Monro, “Embedded to lossless image coding (ELIC)”, in Proc. IEEE Nordic Signal Processing (NORSIG), June 2000. DOI PP P


T1 C. Abhayaratne, “Lossless and Nearly Lossless Digital Video Coding”, PhD Thesis, Dept. of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Bath, U.K., 2002. Link

Other (stanadards contributions and research reports)

R5 M. Mrak, N. Sprljan, G. C. K. Abhayaratne and E. Izquierdo, “Scalable motion vectors vs. unlimited precision based motion compensation at the decoder in t+2D wavelet video coding”, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 MPEG2005/M11750, Jan. 2005. Link
R4 G. C. K. Abhayaratne and E. Izquierdo, “Wavelets-based residual frame coding in t+2D wavelet video coding”, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 MPEG2005/M11748, Jan. 2005. Link
R3 G. C. K. Abhayaratne, N. Sprljan, M. Mrak and E. Izquierdo, “A spatial decomposition tool for improved spatial resolution scalability in video coding”, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 MPEG2004/M10716, March 2004. Link
R2 G. C. K. Abhayaratne, N. Sprljan, M. Mrak and E. Izquierdo, “Response to CFP on scalable video coding”, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 MPEG2004/M10569-S24, March 2004. Link
R1 G. C. K. Abhayaratne, I. Jermyn and J. Zerubia, “Probabilistic Models of Adaptive Mother Wavelets for Texture Description”, Research Report 8783, INRIA, France, December 2003. Link