Dr Charith Abhayaratne
PhD(Bath) BE(Adelaide) PGCertHE(Sheffield) FHEA MIEEE MIET

Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,
The University of Sheffield,
United Kingdom.
Research Interests
- Multi-modal sensing, data analysis and machine learning.
- Machine Intelligence for computer vision
- Machine Intelligence for multimedia content security and forensics
- Multidimensional signal processing and analysis.
- Video and image coding, streaming and visual quality metrics
- Applications in robotics, creative industries, networked digital media, security, surveillance, assisted living, healthcare, remote sensing and digital manufacturing.
Professional Activities
- Professional Bodies
- Fellow - Higher Education Academy.
- Member - IEEE, IET, EURASIP.
- Current Journal Editorships
- Associate Editor - IEEE Access (2020 - to present)
- Associate Editor - IEEE Trans. Image Processing (2019 - to present)
- Associate Editor - Elsevier Journal of Information Security and Applications (JISA) (2017- to present)
- Recent/current International Conference Organizing Committees
- Local and registration chair -IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2020.
- Committee Memberships
- Member - IEEE CTSoc Audio/Video Systems and Signal Processing (AVS) Technical Committee (2020 -present)
- Member - APSIPA Multimedia Security and Forensics Technical Committee (2019 - present)
- Peer review college - EPSRC (2017 to present)
- Committe member - IST-37 (Coding of picture, audio, multimedia and hypermedia information) subcommittee of British Standards Institute (BSI) (2018 - present).
- UK liaison for EURASIP (2009 - 2019).